Sanctuary Cove Boat Show Wrap

A very big thank you to everyone that came down to visit us at the show for our international launch of our FAB Dock dry docking system.

It is always a nervous moment when you finally release a product that you have spent nearly a year and a half working on. Will our potential customers think it is as good as we think it is? Have we thought of all the possible scenarios? What could possibly go wrong? Are we on the money? And a multitude of other doubting questions. But we were rewarded with a resounding thumbs up with the only negative comment coming from our competitors (understandable and expected, in fact would have been disappointed if they hadn’t).

The biggest thing to come out of the show was the overwhelming response to customers willing to pay the extra premium for the upgraded material in order to gain the 5 year warranty. This did catch us by surprise a little bit and hence we now have to quickly work to readjust our supply and manufacturing processes to reflect this customer demand.

So we ask these customers to be patient for a little while while we work to be to able to fill their orders.

Watch this space for future updates.



PS: A very big thank you to Captain Carl and his Crew on the Masteka 2 for all their assistance during the setup for the show and while the show was underway (and not driving over our little boat on your way back in after the auction). We wish you all a safe passage where ever in the world you are heading.

FAB Dock IQ App

An industry-revolutionising smartphone app

Access all necessary information regarding the operation of your FAB Dock, in the palm of your hand.