Privacy Policy & Terms of Use

The protection of personal information is important to FAB Dock Pty Ltd (FAB Dock). FAB Dock is committed to respecting the right to privacy and the protection of personal information.

This document sets out how FAB Dock may collect, hold and use personal information. By providing your personal information to FAB Dock, you consent to its use, storage and disclosure in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

 Why does FAB Dock collect personal information?

“Personal information” is information or an opinion (including information forming part of a database), whether true or not, and whether recorded in material form or not, about an individual whose identity is reasonably apparent, or can be reasonably ascertained, from the information or opinion.

FAB Dock collects personal information to properly and efficiently carry out its functions, including to provide you requested products and services, and to facilitate the provision of marketing and promotion services that may be of interest to you.

FAB Dock uses personal information only for the purposes for which it was provided and for directly related purposes (unless otherwise required by or authorised under law).  We may state a more specific purpose at the point we collect your information.

If you do not provide us with the information that we request, we may not be able to provide you with our products or services.

What personal and sensitive information does FAB Dock collect?


Personal information is information or an opinion (including information or an opinion forming part of a database) from which it is possible to determine someone’s identity.

The information collected by FAB Dock about a person will vary depending on the circumstances of collection. It may include, but is not limited to, a person’s contact details (name, email and/or postal address, phone number), credit card details, or communication history with FAB Dock.

How does FAB Dock collect personal and sensitive information?

Information may be collected when you:

a) join or register with FAB Dock at an event;

b) enter personal information into, or agree to having your personal information entered into one of FAB Dock’s online systems or by completing a form at any FAB Dock activation;

c) subscribe to any publication of FAB Dock, including electronic publications;

d) provide details to FAB Dock in an application, consent form, survey, feedback form or incident report;

e) enter personal information into, or agree to having your personal information entered into, one of FAB Dock’s online systems;

f) access the FAB Dock website

g) contact FAB Dock via email, telephone, in person or mail or engage with FAB Dock via social media;

h) participate in any program, activity, competition or event run by FAB Dock (which may include participants submitting photos or videos);

i) purchase merchandise, products or services from FAB Dock or an authorised dealer; or

j) apply for employment with FAB Dock.

Providing information

Depending on the circumstances, some types of information will be required and others might be optional. If you do not provide some or all of the information requested, this may affect FAB Dock’s ability to communicate with you or provide the requested products or services.

Information storage and protection

FAB Dock stores information in different ways, including in paper and electronic form.

Much of the information we collect is from or about people who register their interest in FAB Dock’s products and services and is added to FAB Dock’s database. When your information is entered into a FAB Dock database, the information may be combined or linked with other information held about you.

Security of personal information is important to FAB Dock. FAB Dock has taken steps to protect the information we hold from misuse, loss, unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. Some of the security measures FAB Dock uses include strict confidentiality requirements of our employees and service providers, security measures for system access and security measures for our website.

Direct marketing

We will use non-sensitive personal information to provide better services and for marketing purposes (including disclosure of such information to service providers acting on our behalf).

If you do not wish to receive e-mail, SMS or posted offers from FAB Dock, you may opt-out by using the procedure provided in the relevant communication.  Alternatively, you may advise us at any time by contacting FAB Dock via the contact details set out in this policy.

FAB Dock website

When users visit the FAB Dock website, our systems may record certain information about their use of the site, including the web pages visited and the time and date of their visit. FAB Dock uses this information to help analyse and improve the performance of the FAB Dock website.

Resolving privacy issues and complaints

Any issues or complaints in relation to the collection, use, disclosure, quality, security of and access to your personal information may be made to FAB Dock in one of the following ways:

By telephone: 1800 322 362

By email:

By website:  via the Contact Us form on our Contact Us page on our website.

We will respond to your complaint within a reasonable period and try to resolve your complaint for you. For further information on FAB Dock’s management of personal information, please contact FAB Dock.

FAB Dock may amend this Privacy Policy from time to time | Date: July 2018