FAB Dock continues to innovate

After months of design testing we finally installed the first side entry FAB Dock under Henry’s magnificent Bavaria 35 on the Central Coast of NSW recently. It helped that we got our first sunny day of all our trips to that part of the world, and it really made a difference. Now we know why everyone raves about it.

And the difference to Henry’s boating experience will be enormous. After only four months sitting in the water, the 660 horses in the engine bay wasn’t enough to get it up on plane. A far cry from the “out of the hole like a bullet on the way to 50mph” that the boat is capable of. It will also make berthing and leaving so much easier given his tricky pole mooring setup.

I am looking forward to another trip out when you have the legs and hull clean, Henry.


First of many power catamarans

In another milestone for FAB Dock, Brad took delivery of his own FAB Dock for his 32 foot Cougar Cat yesterday. After (patiently) waiting until the design team had worked through every conceivable option and associated pitfall, he was more than a little excited to be able to drive his ex-rescue boat into its new home. Which he did with ease, even with only one engine operating. Much to the delight of his neighbour who might have experienced a few bumps on previous berthing attempts. And now that his Cougar Cat is safely tucked into its own dry dock, Brad is looking forward to maintaining his 38 knot top speed instead of the 22 knots he was down to with dirty hulls and engines.


Big Boats, Big Benefits

After installing a FAB Dock under another 38 foot Mustang, we know that bigger boat owners are seeing not only the cost benefits of owning a FAB Dock, but also the ease and simplicity it brings to their boating experience. Craig is the most fastidious boat owner I have met (even more than me) and we couldn’t get the smile off his face after he berthed his boat into his new FAB Dock for the first time and saw how quickly the rear section raised up and started pumping the water out. It was all done in literally a matter of minutes. If you can have this added benefit (along with a host of others) on a product that pays for itself in a few years, why wouldn’t you own one?

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Sanctuary Cove Boat Show

Even though we had the smallest boat on the water at the show (sorry Jim, but we still greatly appreciate you lending it to us), we had a fantastic response from everyone who ventured past. Whether it was boaties who have heard about FAB Dock before and wanted to see it for themselves, or people who had never heard of it and just happened to see it for the first time, everyone left with a positive comment and amazement that a dry docking system could be that good, for so much less than any other method. We will all be doing our best to get back to everyone that requested more information, a quote, or just a FAB Dock. Thanks to everyone that stopped by, including all our existing customers checking up on our progress; yes, we have come a long way in the past year.


And a special thanks to our USA and NZ team members who flew out specially for the weekend. I know that they have all gone home with an even greater level of enthusiasm to make FAB Dock the number one worldwide dry docking system.


Strong Gold Coast Sales Continue

David became the most recent FAB Dock customer on the Gold Coast when he took delivery to protect his amazing 6.8 metre Haines Hunter. I am on boats of all shapes and sizes all day long and it never ceases to amaze me the ingenious ideas that my fellow boaties come up with in customising their boats to exactly how they want them. Some boat manufacturers could do worse than have a look at some of these innovative ideas. What David has managed to squeeze onto his boat, without compromising the necessary space for fishing and relaxing, has to be seen to be believed. Have you ever seen a live-a-board 6.8 metre? And along with the many and growing list of benefits associated with owning a FAB Dock, we can add the fact that it makes the boat more stable when it is wrapped up in one – David will attest to that.


FAB Dock goes further North

Mal and Wendy took delivery of their FAB Dock to protect their 9 metre Markline from the tropical waters in Cairns. We had a beautiful warm and sunny autumn day for the installation (makes a nice change from the recent cold and wet days I have been installing in lately). We didn’t get a chance to go croc hunting this time, but for my first trip, Mal took me out in a six foot plastic bathtub looking for 16 foot man eaters. The math just didn’t quite seem to add up. Is that what they call tropic fever? And if there is any more proof required as to why everyone in Cairns should get a FAB Dock under their boat, they need look no further than Mal’s marina neighbour.

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Booker Bay

Congratulations to Steve and Bon and the girls on their newest addition to the family; a brand spanking new 28 foot Bayliner. And it is an absolute beauty. And that is before Steve (or was it Bon) added all the extras. I would list them all here but I don’t have enough space.

After fighting off the wildlife (ducks and Pelicans) I finally got the FAB Dock installed (nearly) in time for Steve to take delivery of …(what are you calling her?)

And once Steve had returned with his baby (or is it really Bon’s baby?) we spent some precarious moments hanging out of his tinny and off his jetty (that makes the Brighton Jetty look like a polished piano) to set the FAB Dock in just the right position between his mooring poles. It will require some further tweaking but it will ultimately make berthing so much simpler. Not that I am questioning Steve’s captainancy skills.

Thanks for a great day Steve and Bon.


NSW gets its first Fab Dock

After a “slight” delay (my apologies for that), Richard finally took delivery of his FAB Dock to keep his Striper nice and dry. What an amazing view Richard has and an even more amazing boat. If anyone is sick and tired of being cold and wet during their winter fishing trips, give Richard a call and see if you can get aboard his “Alaska Pack” equipped vessel. I look forward to a trip out the next time I am down that way.

Thanks for your patience Richard.


Just How Discreet?

People often ask us, “Just how inconspicuous is your system?” They go on to explain that they have a beautiful water view (that they have invariably paid a lot of money for) and don’t want it compromised by an unsightly dry docking system.

I was reminded of this when we recently installed a FAB Dock under Peter’s beautiful Cruise Craft Executive and I was trying to get a photo of the FAB Dock to add to our collection. Without having to borrow the neighbours canoe or go swimming with the bull sharks, I just couldn’t get a decent photo of our product. But that is the point, your FAB Dock does its job quietly and effortlessly without you hardly noticing that it is even there. Great for our customers, but a little harder for us to sell them when people can’t even see them. Lucky all our customers tell their friends and neighbours how great it is.

Thanks Peter.


Sunshine Coast???

There was definitely no sunshine for our latest installation in Noosa recently. In fact, it was raining that hard that we had to plug the pump in to empty the Fab Dock before we even put it in the water. So a very big thank you for Jeff for donning his raincoat and helping me put his FAB Dock together, get it in the water and drive his boat in.

It was a great result, with another perfect fit and the rain stopping long enough for us to make sure that the FAB Dock emptied out completely leaving his boat dry. Well, at least dry on the bottom. As his poor bilge pump in his boat was having to work so hard to pump out all the rain that it died. And his wife makes the best Quesadillas I have ever tasted. I will be back for more.