Darwin gets its first FAB Dock

Not realising that it doesn’t get light in Darwin at this time of year until 7 o’clock, Rick’s suggested meeting time, I moved it forward to 6am to try and get his FAB Dock installed before the heat  and humidity set in, so that we could be admiring our handywork with a beer in hand before lunch. So it was just as well that Drew and Saul came prepared with torches.

The install went perfectly well on the marina beach and we were soon towing Rick’s new FAB Dock into place.

Getting a ride to the marina berth

Getting a ride to the marina berth


A short time later and we had one of Rick’s seven commercial dive boats safe and dry inside it’s new home.

So if you are ever up that way and need something fixed, removed or salvaged from the ocean, Rick and his team are the guys to call. One of the most professional, hard working and friendly crews that I have ever had the pleasure of working with.

And once the locals see the benefits and savings Rick gains from his FAB Dock, I am sure we will be seeing a lot more of each other in the coming months.

Thanks again guys.


The rear of Rick's dive boat

The rear of Rick’s dive boat

FAB Docks now in five countries with installation in The Seychelles

Hot on the heals of installing our first FAB Dock in the Middle East, we have also recently installed our first FAB Dock in The Seychelles.

In the past three years I have been fortunate enough to be able to visit many beautiful parts of the world and their respective waterfronts and marinas, but the aptly named Eden Island Resort is arguably the most spectacular. With the only thing outshining the turquoise waters and golden sands being the hospitality and generosity of our customer and host, Dana Buys.

After a career running highly successful software companies, Dana has now expanded his business interests to include one of South Africa’s finest wineries. With so many business interests, three daughters and another one only months away, I just don’t know how he finds the time to get away. But when he does, he does with the style and enthusiasm that has obviously made him very successful in business. His villa on Eden Island is immaculately equipped and presented and his array of toys is world class, including a 36 foot Al Dhaem Wavebreaker with twin Suzuki 300s that is now sitting protected in a FAB Dock.

The best dry docking system in the world

This is how fast 600 ponies will push you when you have a clean hull

FAB Dock expands into the Seychelles

The FAB Dock office in the Seychelles for a few days.

This is one destination that we won’t have a shortage of volunteers to help install the next batch of FAB Docks, which won’t be long judging by the serious interest shown by other residents and locals.

See you soon for another Seybrew.

FAB Dock launches into the Middle East

The whole team here at FAB Dock wish to offer a very warm welcome to Mohamed Ahmadi and Yousef Mohseni who have recently joined our expanding family as agents for the Middle East region.



FAB Dock's new Middle East agents

The Three Muskateers

Having already gained a number of world renowned  brands under their marine business umbrella, they were excited to add FAB Dock to complement these lines.

The first step was to install a FAB Dock under their Ski Nautique G25 which is one of the other brands that they represent and that they also use for their wakeboarding school; the first of its kind in Bahrain. And Yousef didn’t shirk his responsibilities on his first assignment, helping me for a few hours with the installation in the middle of a 45 degree celsius day.

And for those that have never experienced the delights and culture of Bahrain, take my advice, and make it a priority. It is truly a crossroads of the world’s cultures, with some of the most hospitable and welcoming people that I have ever met, with Mohamed and Yousef at the top of the list. I would love to describe in detail just how amazing Mohamed’s family is and just how spectacular the palace that his father has built is, but that is another whole story right there, except to say that his father is one of the most amazing and fascinating men I have ever met in all my worldwide travels.

I am already looking forward to my next visit to the region to help install our first batch of FAB Docks and spread the FAB Dock brand throughout the other Gulf Countries.

The FAB Dock team in Bahrain

Sharif, with Sharon and myself in the guest sitting room of his home.

All the very best guys.

WA continues its love affair with FAB Docks

Even though the weather wasn’t always on our side, we still managed to install another four FAB Docks in the water around WA last week as well as measure up another eight boats for FAB Docks in the coming weeks. With another three FAB Docks ready to be installed as soon as the customers get back from their holidays and work trips, there will be a veritable sea of FAB Docks throughout WA by the end of the year.

That all adds up to lots of very happy boaties, spending less time and money maintaining and cleaning their boats and more time enjoying them, not too mention the very real environmental benefit of saving tons of poisonous antifoul from entering our fragile waterways.

the best dry docking system in the world

Big boats love FAB Docks

the best dry docking system in the world

no missing this boat in its FAB Dock

the best dry docking system in the world

another cold and wet installation of a FAB Dock in WA

FAB Dock teams up with Lowrance

Peter and Zel became the first FAB Dock customers to receive their promotional Lowrance Chart Plotter for purchasing their FAB Dock at the recent Sanctuary Cove International Boat Show.

Even though navigating the canals through the Gold Coast is easy enough, Peter and Zel are excited about being able to explore further afield with the confidence of having their new Lowrance Chart plotter mounted onto the dash of their beautiful Four Winns.

Not only does the Lowrance unit fit perfectly into the dash space, but the FAB Dock also matches the unique colour of their highly polished cruiser.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank Laura and the whole team at Lowrance for their support in this joint promotion and congratulate them on their world class product range.

But on a more sombre note, Zel’s mum has unfortunately been struck down with cancer and Zel is helping her to battle it. He has written a song that he has launched on You Tube with all proceeds going to cancer research. So to help Zel’s mum and all cancer sufferers, you can watch Zel’s song at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DBhTrqRwfkw and then purchase it through iTunes to donate. We wish them all the best.

Lowrance and FAB Dock team up

The proud new owners of a FAB Dock and a Lowrance Chart Plotter

Mackay Boat Show

What smaller, country boat shows lack in raw attendance numbers, they certainly make up for in enthusiasm and atmosphere. After setting up under cloudy skies on the Friday, Mackay turned on the perfect weekend. And the locals turned out in droves. I think almost everyone in Mackay must have passed through the turnstiles. It is also easier to do business in this more relaxed atmosphere, as our newest members to our FAB Dock family found. We look forward to being back in a few weeks to install the first batch of many FAB Docks in this most amazing part of our country.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the organisers for such a wonderful show and our fellow marine exhibitors for making the weekend very enjoyable (if not a tad unhealthy.)

See you all again next year.

FAB Dock

Setting up in front of the formula 1 boats


Caribbean Boat Owners Love FAB Docks

I recently noticed that we have built a number of FAB Docks for Caribbean boats and as a result, I have spent a lot of time on them. And I must say that I am very impressed. Ranging from Rex’s compact Reef Runner all the way up to Danny’s immaculate 47 Flybridge, and most of them in between, they are one solidly built and well finished boat. So it is little surprise that such fastidious owners want to keep them as clean as possible, and as we all know by now, a FAB Dock is the best dry docking system in the world. No matter if you are in the south western corner of Australia in the beautiful canals of Mandurah like Jim or Neil with their 24 and 26 feet Caribbeans, or in the tropical north eastern corner like Henrik with his 35 flybridge, we can protect your Caribbean from the speed-reducing, fuel sucking, intake clogging growth of the oceans.

dry docking system

Another Caribbean in a FAB Dock dry docking system


dry docking system

after another very wet install, it finally cleared to show off a great fit.

dry docking system

stern view of another Caribbean in a FAB Dock

dry docking system

The classic fishing rig staying dry in its FAB Dock

Sanctuary Cove Boat Show 2013

Being the third time that we have exhibited at this prestigious event, we are feeling more like old marine regulars rather than the new kids on the block, dishing out advice to the first timers and swapping stories with other regulars. And by once again thinking outside the square, we managed to impress even the most discerning critic with our innovative display. Two FAB Docks stood upright with the floor becoming the roof; made for one amazing tent.



dry docking system

Our new tent with a two year old FAB Dock in the foreground.


This new display, combined with some nice weather, a more positive atmosphere in general around the boat show and years of hard work and dedication to perfecting the FAB Dock, led to the most amount of sales that we have ever taken at any boat show. It is great to hear that many people have seen our FAB Docks in canals and marinas during their boating excursions and specifically came to our stand to ask questions about it.

When we are up against the best dry docking systems available in the world, all showcased within a stones throw of each other, and people continually tell us that not only are we a half or one third of their price, but we also have a much better product, it reinforces what we have been trying to achieve since our inception.

So I apologise to all those people who I have not yet been able to get back in touch with regarding a FAB Dock for their boat, but will do my best to do so over the coming weeks.

Look out for us at all the other major boat shows around the country throughout the year or back here again next year.

dry docking system

The view of our new tent and FAB Dock from F Arm

Palm Beach Boat Show

FAB Dock Team USA (Joe, Donnie and Pat) teamed up with Everglade Boats and Stella Marine out of Palm Beach to display a 27.5ft. center console sport fish wrapped in a FAB Dock at the Palm Beach Boat Show. We had the perfect location, on a corner berth just down from the main entrance to the show, and were inundated all weekend with boat owners that were amazed at how such a simple concept was so effective at keeping the boat dry. And when we explained that it also helped them park their boat, was portable, 12 volt and built to suit any size boat, they were truly flabbergasted.

And no boat is ever complete without  at least some rain. So right on cue, we received our mandatory rain shower on the first day, but the weather gods were kind to us for the rest of the show. Unlike the Sarasota Boat Show, which we aren’t even going to talk about.

Response continues to be amazing and interest was even higher in Palm Beach than at the Miami Boat Show a few weeks weeks before. Brian Harris, the VP of Marketing for Everglades Boats, Inc. loved the crowds around the FAB Dock so much he wants to team up for future boat shows and continue to showcase his boats in a FAB Dock!

Many thanks to Bob Stella and the great staff from Bob Stella Marine who showed such class at the Palm Beach Show. They were such a great team to work with!

See you all at the next show.Show 2

7 Installed for the Week

What a week. A big thank you to the whole FAB Dock team for pulling out all stops and getting seven FAB Docks installed this week on both sides of Australia. And an even bigger thank you to all those customers that worked in with us and rearranged their schedules to allow it to all happen. We almost had Queensland covered with FAB Docks being installed over 1000 kilometres apart from Brisbane to Airlie Beach with Scarborough and Mackay in between. And over on the West coast, Guy installed another two in Mandurah and another one in Hillarys, right next to another FAB Dock customer; they look so cute together. It makes us all so proud.

But there is no rest for the team with another seven scheduled to be installed over the next week. The production team are workng around the clock to keep up. But you won’t hear any complaints from us. We love being busy and sincerely appreciate all our customers making us the number one selling dry docking system in the world. If you don’t have a FAB Dock under your boat yet, give us a call and find out why so many other people have chosen a FAB Dock to protect their boat.

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