FAB Dock announced as a Westpac 200 Businesses of Tomorrow Winner

FAB Dock is honoured to be named as a 2018 winner of the Westpac 200 Businesses of Tomorrow program, recognised for the development of our patented dry docking technology and our contribution to marine conservation.

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Entering and Exiting your FAB Dock

Exiting and Entering your FAB Dock only takes a few simple steps to ensure you protect your FAB Dock and your boat.  Always make sure you follow each step and you should never have an issue.  Like anything the more you look after it the longer it will last.  The FAB Dock is designed to make life simple for you and your boating life.  Each customer is provided with a guide to keep with them on the boat, the guides are water proof and can attach to your key ring or keep in your wallet.

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360′ Coverage

FAB Dock = 180' Coverage

FAB Dock = 180′ Coverage

FAB Dock + Boat Cover = 360' Coverage

FAB Dock + Boat Cover = 360′ Coverage

Owning a boat like the beautiful Cabriolet Royale you want to make sure that your boat is fully covered.

That you are not only protecting the hull but also protecting the gorgeous trimmings and finishes of the boat.

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Clean as a whistle

After recently visiting the gorgeous shores of Port Coogee,  we wanted to share a story on how a FAB Dock protected a beautiful Cobalt R5 boat.  The owner of this boat had only been able to take his stunning Cobalt out twice in the last 16 months but thank fully due to being protected by our world class FAB Dock the hull came out looking like new.  The photo shows what the hull looks like after 16 months of being in a FAB Dock with minimal use.  No matter how often you use your boat the FAB Dock will protect your prized possession all year round.

FAB Dock - All year round protection

FAB Dock – All year round protection

We have to take this opportunity to say we had a fantastic time in Western Australia, we got to see many of our valued FAB Dock clients and had the chance to meet new faces at the Hillaries Boat Show.   We will be back soon!

Trip to North Queensland

I have just returned from a trip through North Queensland upgrading some of our earlier customers to our new pumping and electrical system and was enthused to hear the response from every one of them. A couple are adamant that they have already paid for their FAB Dock with the maintenance and fuel savings that they have enjoyed over the past few years and, on top of that, their boats are in perfect condition, as compared with a number of their neighbours who haven’t yet seen the light and bought themselves a FAB Dock.

Over the next few months we plan on getting around to see all our customers to make sure they have the latest FAB Dock equipment to keep their investment in their dry docking system at the forefront of technology.

Picture top left corner a new FAB Dock, picture bottom right the same FAB Dock two and a half years later.

Two and a half years later

Two and a half years later

Our 4th Sanctuary Cove International Boat Show

Some things you just never get tired of. As this is where it all started when we finally launched FAB Dock to the boating public, Sanctuary Cove doubles as our birthday celebration every year. So we have even more fun than usual. Having two more girls on the stand along with the usual male suspects meant that there were some pretty faces for interested boaties to talk to instead of just us boring business owners. Thanks Rosie, Laurie and Sharon for providing more entertainment and laughs than any other boat show that we have ever exhibited at. The only thing that matched the girls for beauty was Sharon’s boat that was proudly displayed in its FAB Dock.

The weather was perfect, the crowds were up and their was optimism in the air and we have been busy ever since measuring up boats for new FAB Docks and getting them built and installed.

And so a big thank you to all our existing clients who have made FAB Dock such a success and helped us improve and perfect our product to be the number one selling dry docking system in the world. But we aren’t resting on our laurels with some major advancements in the pipeline due for release very soon.

FAB Dock at boat show

FAB Dock at Sanctuary Cove Boat Show 2014

Sea Rescue

We have installed our first FAB Dock under a sea rescue vessel in the West Australian port of Hillarys. After exploring all the different options, the committee decided that our latest dry docking solution would be the best method for keeping their eleven metre Naiad clean and performing at its optimal best for its critical rescue missions.

This joins a growing number of FAB Docks that can now be seen throughout the marina with even more to be installed in the next couple of weeks. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our customers in Western Australia for making FAB Dock the most popular dry docking system in the state.

Sea Rescue dry docking

The best method for Sea Rescue dry dock

Darwin Knows Best

One of the most astute business owners I have ever met are Rick and Sue from TEK Diving Services in Darwin. They run one of the most professional commercial diving operations to be found anywhere in the world. Not only do they run a dedicated team of quality divers, but they also manage to run around Darwin every morning before their work day begins, and that is no mean feat in the Darwin summer.

Having numerous boats that live in the warm tropical waters of Cullen Bay, Rick and Sue needed a solution to keep their boats clean and dry and in optimal condition so that they are ready for work at a minute’s notice. Having researched and trialed

Commercial dry docks

2 FAB Docks under dive boats in Darwin

other dry docking options, including a FAB Dock, Rick and Sue decided that FAB Dock is the best solution and ordered second one for their biggest boat (Sue’s boat).

I am looking forward to getting up to Darwin again soon, particularly during the winter season, but in the meantime, if you, or anyone you know, needs any underwater work or salvage operations performed in Darwin, make sure you give TEK Diving a call.

Latest Innovations

To everyone that has been following our progress and reading my constant blogging updates, you may have noticed that I have been a little quiet lately. Apart from the normal excuses of being insanely busy flying to all corners of our vast country installing FAB Docks, missing out on sleep and precious time with my gorgeous girlfriend, myself and the team have been secretly working on a revolution within the dry docking genre. With the prototype now out of the laboratory and installed on my own boat, we are only a matter of weeks away from rolling it out to all our existing customers plus all our new FAB Docks.

With commercial dry docking systems being available for decades, we continue to innovate, revolutionise and perfect our particular product by finding solutions to issues that have plagued other dry docking systems since inception, yet were thought to be unsolvable.

Much of this credit goes to our loyal and passionate customers who have willingly contributed their experiences, thoughts and ideas which we act upon as quickly as possible to ascertain their merit for future inclusion and/or retrofit into our FAB Dock product. (Sorry guys, not every single one of your ideas are as brilliant as you think. Cup holders? Really?)

So stay tuned; the next six months will see a raft of revolutionary new improvements and new products launched from the hard working team at FAB Dock.

Carolina Classic loves her FAB Dock

There are many boats that claim to be the best fishing boat in the world, but the Carolina Classic has plenty of substance to her claim. One look at her specs and a quick walk around will remind you of why it costs a bit more than your average boat.

And after investing that sort of money in pursuit of that elusive catch, it would be a crime to slap gooey antifoul all over the hull, so Ric decided that a FAB Dock is a much more attractive and financially viable solution. And after driving in and out half a dozen times in the first couple of days, he couldn’t believe just how easy it also made berthing his beautiful Classic, without risk of scratching her.

inconspicuous dry dock

Carolina Classic tucked neatly in her FAB Dock